Postal Address

3, Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001. INDIA.

Phone Number

– 011-23715217

– 011-23711303

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about us

The Tuberculosis Association of India is a Voluntary Organization

The Tuberculosis Association of India (TAI) has been serving the cause of tuberculosis since 1939. It is one of the oldest and largest voluntary organizations having its affiliates all over the country. It was set up in February, 1939 as a registered society by incorporating the King Emperor’s Anti-Tuberculosis Fund and King George Thanks-giving (Anti-Tuberculosis) Fund. Her Excellency the Marchioness of Linlithgow was the first President of the Association when the Tuberculosis Association of India was established on February 23, 1939. In 1940 the Tuberculosis Association of India and Government of India decided to set up jointly the New Delhi Tuberculosis Centre as a model clinic.

preliminary round of TB quiz 2025

NATCON 2025 PG Quiz

The Tuberculosis Association of India (TAI) has been serving the cause of tuberculosis since 1939. It is one of the oldest and largest voluntary organizations having its affiliates all over India. As a part of our continued endeavour to improve the knowledge and practice in the field of tuberculosis we are happy to announce a Quiz programme for postgraduate students.

There will be a preliminary round (which will be online) followed by semi-final & final stage round during NATCON ( National TB Conference)  to be held in Jaipur from October 18 to 20, 2024 where in person attendance is mandatory.

All postgraduate students of respiratory medicine (MD/DM/DTCD/DNB/Diploma) across India are welcome to participate.

Date of online preliminary round 25-08-2024 –Time 04 pm to 05 pm

Preliminary online round will have 50 MCQS to be answered in 25 minutes.

After the preliminary rounds, top 100 candidates will be selected for semi-final round which will be held during NATCON at Jaipur. Best 8 candidates will be selected for the final stage rounds. The Winners will get cash prizes which will be announced in due course.


Selected candidates have to get themselves register for the NATCON Jaipur Conference in order to participate in the Semi Final round.

The programme is supported by Mankind Pharma, Aspiris Division.

Vision Statement:

“TAI envisions a TB-free India through collaborative efforts with Government, health care providers and NGOs in healthcare sector for a healthier future for all.” 

Mission statement:

“The mission of TAI is to combat the TB epidemic by providing comprehensive support, education, and resources through strategic partnerships, advocacy and research driven initiatives to reduce stigma, transmission and increased access to quality care. Our ultimate goal is to reinforce the efforts of National TB Programme towards eradication of TB.”

Its aims and objectives are:

  • The prevention, control, treatment and relief of tuberculosis.
  • The encouragement of and assistance in the establishment throughout India of State Associations having objectives similar in whole or in part to those of the Association.
  • The affiliation or control of and the rendering of assistance to any institution having objectives similar in whole or in part to the objects of the Association.
  • The undertaking of the Research and Investigation on subjects concerning tuberculosis and allied chest diseases.
  • The doing of all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

highlights of 2023


Short term Research Projects approved


TB Seal Campaigns since inception


National Conferences on TB and Chest Diseases organized since inception



Blog on World TB Day

To mark the World Tuberculosis Day, the New Delhi TB Centre on 22nd March, 2024  organized health awareness talk on Tuberculosis.  The event was facilitated by Dr. Sanjay Rajpal, Director, NDTB Centre, Dr. Ashwani Khanna, Chairman, NDTB Centre, Dr. K.K. Chopra, Consultant, NDTB Centre, , Mr. Vikram Malhotra, Secretary General, TAI, Dr. Shanker Matta and Mrs. Shadab Khan. 


TAI and its technical arm, New Delhi TB Centre observed the World AIDS Day on 1st December 2023. At the function organized in the NDTB Centre, Chairman TAI Prof (Dr.) V.K. Arora, Vice Chairman TAI , Dr Ashwani Khanna, Director New Delhi TB Centre, Dr K.K.Chopra and other senior officials of TAI and NDTB Centre were present.  


Mycobacteria do remain alive for at least 24 hours in sputum in natural conditions and hence are potentially transmissible. Therefore sputum needs to be disinfected …


The diagnosis and treatment guidelines of DR-TB is still evolving, and India is updating the same in concurrence with the WHO recommendations. However, at the national level, there are various gaps including logistics, …


The age of tuberculosis patients will continue to rise with the improvement of the epidemiologic situation, resulting from an ever-improving quality of the NTEP in curtailing transmission.


TB Association of India regularly conducts Sensitization session for medical and para medical staff about Tuberculosis.

75th TB Seal Campaign SOUVENIR 2024

gallery of TAI


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