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Action Against Stigma in Tuberculosis

One day TB Stakeholders for NE and West Bengal was conducted at Taj Vivanta Guwahati on 10th March 2025 in Collaboration with ICMR- NIRT Chennai.

Dr. Urvashi Singh DDG TB, Central TB Division gave the welcome address. Dr.Nishant Kumar Joint Director TB CTD spoke on Action Against Stigma.Participants were Dr. Stephen ICMR Hqrs,DTO Manipur Dr Linette M , from World Bank Dr György Bèla Fritsche, Dr Vaibhav Haribhau Ghule, from IIT Bombay Prof Sarika Mehra and Prof Mithun Mitra,
WHO consultants NE, STO/DTO of Assam Tripura, and West Bengal,Director of Health Services & HoD TB Chest Diseases Assam, Chest specialists from Assam & West Bengal,Nagaland ASHA workers from ANM Assam , Senior Scientists from ICMR Chennai/Dibrugarh Assam and TB Association of NE.

Dr. Bamin Tada spoke on challenges faced in NE India and WHO consultant NE spoke on TB-HiV and TB-Diabetic on regional prospective.

The programme ended with recomendation to address the main challenges in TB Elimination including action against Stigma (an initiative by Tuberculosis Association of India) by hand holding.

Action Against Stigma in Tuberculosis at General Hospital Ziro

Inauguration of Action Against Stigma in Tuberculosis at General Hospital Ziro Arunachal Pradesh inaugurated by
Hon,ble Health Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Sri Biyuram Wahge, Chief Guest and Sri Hage Apa Hon ble MLA Ziro Arunachal Pradesh was Guest of Honour .
The program coincided with launch of Gastri Cancer Pilot Study

Action against Stigma logo at Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh

District collector, Dr Mahesh Kumar ( on left ) released the Action against Stigma logo at Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh.

AAS Campaign

Tuberculosis Association will be launching pan India Campaign “ Action against Stigma” on 12th March 2025 which seeks to provide effective TB patient-support to the marginalized population by launch of education campaigns through mass media channels etc.

Tuberculosis Association along with State TB Associations has been working inter-alia on combating the stigma faced by TB patients since 1939. It has decided to launch an intensive campaign ” Action against Stigma” this year, apart from its normal activities, to  coincide with World TB Day celebrations on 24th March this year. Integral to this pan -India programme would be the active participation of all stakeholders such as State TB Associations, NGOs, institutions like IMA HQrs/ State Branches of IMA, medical Colleges and others.

The stigma and myths associated with contracting TB, approaching informal healthcare providers for treatment and fear of losing jobs during illness are critical factors delaying patient access to recognized health care providers/ chest clinics. There are many instances of family resistance to treatment, social prejudices of isolating TB affected individuals leading to community transmission of drug resistant TB in urban areas.

The Campaign “ Action against Stigma” seeks to provide effective TB patient-support to the marginalized population in States by launch of education campaigns through mass media channels, webinars with stakeholders, funding outreach activities for TB patient support by State TB Associations, making a short film / videos addressed for de-stigmatization of TB, and partnership with TB Champions and TB – Mitras and other NGOs, and community stakeholders.

With this campaign, TAI would be raising awareness of people, voluntary organizations and medical community that early detection of TB and its treatment and safe habits would reduce vulnerability to TB.

Outcomes of the Campaign:

By de-stigmatizing TB, there would be enhancement of screening, case detection and successful treatment of TB patients leading to decline in mortality of patients.

Activities to be undertaken during the Campaign:

Partnership with TB Champions/ survivors and TB – Mitras, NGOs, and other Medical Colleges/ Institutions in the programme,
Preparation of posters/ booklets with the theme Action against Stigma for community involvement.
Competition of short videos about De-stigmatization of TB among medical colleges/Institutes.
Involve local dignitaries & media personnel in the programme to enhance visibility for the Campaign.

AAS Short Video Competition

Tuberculosis Association will be launching pan India Campaign “ Action against Stigma” on 12th March 2025 which seeks to provide effective TB patient-support to the marginalized population by launch of education campaigns through mass media channels etc. It is decided to hold a competition among students/ faculty of medical colleges and Institutions including media and design institutes on the topic of de-stigmatizing TB.

The general guidelines are given in the attachment