Postal Address

3, Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001. INDIA.

Phone Number

– 011-23715217

– 011-23711303

Email Address

Research & Grants

  • The Research Committee ensures and monitors series of cooperative studies on various aspects of tuberculosis with the help of providing financial assistance.
  • The Association is also encouraging conduct of scientific operational research studies.
  • The Association also sponsored a small group of middle level researchers primarily from NGOs to attend a research seminar/training course at the National TB Institute, Bangalore.
  • The main consideration in selecting the candidates had been to enlist the interest of those middle level researchers who are doing some research and are interested in doing better research, so that scientifically more worthwhile results can be published and utilized in the programme.
  • The Department of Science & Industrial Research of Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, recognized the TB Association of India as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO).

Report Of Financial Assistance Given To Short Term Research Projects