Postal Address

3, Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001. INDIA.

Phone Number

– 011-23715217

– 011-23711303

Email Address

New Delhi TB Centre

In 1940 the Tuberculosis Association of India and Government of India decided to set up jointly the New Delhi Tuberculosis Centre as a model clinic. Dr. B. K. Sikand, the first Director of the Centre and Dr. C. Frimodt Moller, evolved the concept of home treatment of tuberculosis and planned the Centre to try the domiciliary treatment scheme. In 1951, the clinic was upgraded as first TB Training and Demonstration Centre in the country with the assistance from WHO, UNICEF and Government of India.

Six full fledged sections were started for smooth running of the centre namely:

  • Clinical Section
  • Laboratory section
  • Epidemiological Section
  • Public Health section
  • Statistical Section
  • Administrative Section

The Centre is provides teaching and training facilities to the under-graduate students of Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), Interns of Lok Nayak Hospital and post Graduate students of Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, Delhi University. It also has one Modular Training Programme in tuberculosis for fresh graduates and interns of MAMC. The Centre has also developed a Modular Training Programme in Bio-Statistics for medical post graduate students of Delhi University. Multi Drug Resistant TB Clinic was also started in the Centre in August, 2002. The Centre was designated as STDC for the state of Delhi in the year 2005. Since then the Centre has been imparting training and retraining facilities to the medical and paramedical staff of the 25 Chest Clinics under NTEP. It imparts training to nursing students from various institutions such as Lok Nayak Hospital, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lady Reading Health School and Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing.  
National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) is being implemented in the Centre since January, 1999. At that time it was one of the leading chest clinics of Delhi State.  After being designated as State TB Training & Demonstration Centre (STDC).  The Centre does not have any domiciliary area and is monitoring and supervising activities of 25 Chest Clinics of Delhi State and providing modular training to medical officers, senior tuberculosis laboratory supervisors and laboratory technician. 
The Centre is engaged in the dissemination of knowledge among general population about tuberculosis control. It holds community meetings for this purpose and conducts health education through flip charts and video film. The Centre mobilizes assistance to the poor patients and their families from a number of agencies.   
The Centre has a Quality assured, well functioning Laboratory which has been designated as Intermediate Reference Laboratory (IRL)  by Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. The culture of mycobacterium and Drug Susceptibility Tests (DST) is performed in routine here. In addition, culture and DST is also carried out for samples of MDR suspects referred, from 17 out of 25 Chest Clinics of Delhi. The IRL along with NRL at LRSI have been truly the backbone for bringing the entire State under DOTS PLUS MDR Treatment in 2009, ahead of many other states.

The  BSL III Lab at NDTBC is truly an execution of exploring new ventures to cater the needs and treatment of TB patients. The BSL III Lab is operational and is functioning well with the introduction of newer diagnostic tests like Liquid culture MGIT 60 and Line Probe Assay (which gives the results within one week) with guidance and support of WHO, FIND and Government of India. The laboratory is providing free service to TB patients coming through NTEP.

At present, the institute has following activities:

  • Referral OPD services for TB and Allied diseases patients.
  • Special Clinics for TB and Diabetes, TB and HIV, COAD and Tobacco cessation clinic.
  • State TB Training and Demonstration) Centre related activities.
  • Intermediate Reference Laboratory activities.
  • Research in the field of TB and Respiratory Diseases.
  • ECHO Clinic

Achievement of New Delhi TB Centre

1. NABL accreditation of NDTB Centre Laboratory

Microbiology laboratory of the Centre is functioning as Intermediate Reference Laboratory for Delhi State providing diagnostic services with all available rapid diagnostics to patients referred from NTEP as well as from private sector. To ensure quality services, the laboratory has been accredited by NABL (ISO 15189 : 2012)

2. Gene Sequencing facility in Laboratory

Our laboratory is one of the sites where whole Gene Sequencing facility is available under NTEP. This will be used for diagnosis as well as drug resistance surveillance purpose as per TB programme guidelines.

3. Installation of Digital X-ray Machine in Clinical Section

A digital X-ray machine has been installed in Clinical Section in addition to already existing conventional X-ray machine. The machine has been provided from Delhi State NTEP funding and is being used for patients in Clinical Section as well as Active Case Finding cases and surveillance purposes.

4. COVID 19 Laboratory

During COVID-19 Pandemic, our laboratory was one of the ICMR approved sites for diagnosis of COVID-19 on CBNAAT and TrueNat machines. Suspects from Delhi Government  designated  sites are referred to our laboratory for testing

5. Training of Microbiologists and Laboratory Technicians in Covid–19 diagnosis.

Delhi Government designated our laboratory as Training Centre for microbiologists and laboratory technicians both from public and private sector proposed to be COVID-19 laboratories. Microbiologists of our laboratory are part of the Delhi State CBNAAT and TrueNat Core Committee involved in supervising and monitoring the activities of COVID-19 testing laboratories in public and private sector.

6. Active TB Case finding among vulnerable groups

In recent years, a number of operational research studies have been conducted in vulnerable population like jail inmates, female sex workers, intervenenous drug users, slum dwellers and night shelters.  These operational studies have been approved and financed by Delhi State NTEP. Active TB case finding have been conducted as per national guidelines.

7. ECHO clinics for paramedical staff

NDTB Centre is STDC- Delhi State hub for ECHO platform with all chest clinics as spokes. On every first Wednesday of the month, a session is conducted for paramedical staff of NTEP Delhi state, in which one didactic by an expert is given and one case is discussed which is presented by paramedical staff.

8. D3T Clinic

As recommended in PMDT 2021 guidelines, we are conducting Difficult to treat TB cases clinic once every month. One of the DTO / MO presents an interesting case, which is discussed in the presence of state level experts and recommendations are given for managing the care.

9. Review of NTEP activities on ECHO platform

As STDC, NDTB Centre is monitoring supervising and evaluating all the NTEP activities with State TB cell by conducting review meetings including monitoring of laboratory.

10. Supporting in publication of Indian Journal of Tuberculosis

TB Association of India is publishing a quarterly journal which includes articles on Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. Faculty of NDTB Centre is supporting the publication of IJT as Associate Executive Editor, Assistant Editor and members of editorial board.

11. Active participation in NATCON.

National Conference on TB and Respiratory Diseases is conducted by TB Association of India annually in various parts of country in rotation. Faculty of NDTB Centre is actively participating in the conference every year in organizing the conference, finalizing scientific programmed and participating in different scientific sessions as chair persons, moderators and speakers.

12. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

Our Laboratory is now equipped with LIMS. All the reporting of data and reporting from laboratory is done online. All the steps of testing are entered online and final report is generated and sent to NIKSHAY portal directly.

13. Infrastructure Development

During last few years, renovation work of building and addition of new furniture has been done in all sections of the Centre including beautification of exterior.

14. Training and Dissertation of students

The faculty of NDTB Centre is supporting various institutions and universities in conducting training and dissertation work of their students in TB field by guiding them and providing facilities to conduct their study.

15. Laboratory support for clinical trials/ kit validation/ validation of new diagnostic modalities.

Intermediate Reference Laboratory of this centre continuously being a preferred site for providing support for multicentric (both national and international) clinical trials/ kit validation/ validation of new diagnostic modalities. These studies have been supported/ funded by CTD, ICMR, FIND, UNION, MRC – London, etc.

16. Involvement of laboratory in research activities.

Laboratory of this centre is also involved in research activities. Many of the students have completed their research activities leading to M.D. / Ph.D degree from various Indian universities.

17. Up-gradation of Biosafety Level –III laboratory(BSL-III)

Laboratory of this centre has BSL-III lab since 2008. Now Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India has sanctioned up-gradation for this laboratory.