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3, Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001. INDIA.

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– 011-23715217

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TAI and its technical arm, New Delhi TB Centre observed the World AIDS Day on 1st December 2023. At the function organized in the NDTB Centre, Chairman TAI Prof (Dr.) V.K. Arora, Vice Chairman TAI , Dr Ashwani Khanna, Director New Delhi TB Centre, Dr K.K.Chopra and other senior officials of TAI and NDTB Centre were present.  

The audience consisting of large number of patients of TB Centre were  addressed by Chairman TAI Prof (Dr.) V.K.Arora, Vice Chairman TAI , Dr Ashwani Khanna, Director New Delhi TB Centre, Dr K.K.Chopra  spoke about the linkage of TB and HIV , need for observing safe practices at home to prevent spread of TB, and the need for awareness among patients for effective management of TB and HIV. The NDTB Centre had put on  display paintings and HIV/AIDS placards at the hall, made by  TB patients on HIV/AIDS. At the conclusion of the function, Chairman gave away prizes to winners of the painting and slogan competitions.

TAI had taken the initiative to print  pamphlets in Hindi and English on TB and HIV which were distributed  to the patients and their relatives at NDTB Centre hall, Delhi gate metro station and other public places to mark the World AIDS Day.

NDTB Centre had organized one community meet on HIV/AIDS.