of India is a Voluntary Organization. Its aims
and objectives are:
- The prevention
- Control
- Treatment &
- Relief of tuberculosis.
The Story of TB Seal
A kindly postman named Einer Holboell, while sorting out heavy Christmas mail in 1903, noticed some children limping across the road. He was extremely moved by the sight of these children who were suffering from tuberculosis of the bone. A thought struck him. If we could get people to buy a special Christmas Seal while the spirit of giving is strong during Christmas, it would be wonderful. There are so many letters and packages, and just a penny seal on each one would bring a lot of money to help the sick and needy children. There might even be enough to start a hospital for children. The idea of Einer Holboell was received enthusiastically by the Danish people. The King of Denmark gave his approval. This was how the first Christmas Seal appear in 1904 with the Patronage of King Christian. The sale of Christmas Seals for collecting funds for anti-tuberculosis work was soon taken up by other countries and today almost all National TB Associations are collecting large sums of money through this Campaign.
TB Seal Campaign in India
- A proposal to introduce the TB Seal to raise funds for anti-tuberculosis work in India was first considered in 1944, but it had to be deferred for because of the War conditions in the country, the post-war days were also found unfavourable for embarking on such a new venture. The Tuberculosis Association of India adopted the proposal in October, 1950. The Government of India permitted the Association to conduct the campaign every year from 1950 onwards.
The annual TB Seal reflect the resolve and determination of the Association to combat tuberculosis. The income from TB Seal Campaigns goes to the State and District Associations, research and 5 percent to the TB Association of India.
A TB Seal Campaign is conducted every year to raise funds for the fight against TB. The Campaign is inaugurated by H.E. the President of India on 2nd October – the Gandhi Jayanti Day.
The Seals are attractively designed and cost only Rs.2/-. These are available with all the State TB Associations affiliated with Tuberculosis Association of India.
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