Postal Address

3, Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001. INDIA.

Phone Number

– 011-23715217

– 011-23711303

Email Address


Corporates can support The Tuberculosis Association of India (TAI) on any one or more activities under the CSR programme under Health care and Education initiatives. Companies  could  get mileage and visibility by associating with TAI in  these  activities.

The following activities have been identified for the Financial year 2023 onwards to supplement and complement the Govt of India’s initiative, NTEP for elimination of TB in India :-

  1. Funding for conducting ACSM activities (as per partnership guidelines of TB Control Program)
  2. Financial support to fund short term research projects related to TB (Routine activity of TAI to support research by residents and faculty members of Medical Colleges and TB institutes).
  3. To support academic activities of TAI (Annual National Conference NATCON, state level conferences and CMEs for private sector doctors.)
  4. To adopt TB patients for nutritional support (as per Prime Minister TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan -PMTBMBA)
  5. To support Active Case Finding (ACF) for TB in vulnerable population (by providing Mobile Van with X-ray facility and Laboratory testing facility).
  6. To support publication of Indian Journal of Tuberculosis (IJT) and the Annual TB Seal Campaign Souvenir by giving advertisements and helping in increasing its circulation.
  7. To support World TB Day celebration activities in the month of March every year (including Community awareness, CMEs, Health Camp, to get political support).
  8. By sale of TB seals released by Hon’ble President of India on 2nd October every year. (The seals can be purchased and sold in corporate offices / hospitals to create TB awareness among patients.